WE DID IT!!!!!! Splsh & I 'took the plunge' & eloped on Saturday, July 18, 1998....though it was more a wade than a plunge. *G* We had already dedicated ouselves to each other, and were we not totally prepared for the ceremony itself, my feeling is that NO couple ever will be...spiritually, emotionally, & mentally prepared, *maybe*

Check out the following links for the rest of the story & find how UNPREPARED I found I was--materially??? physically????--no matter *how* much I had prepared! Which I guess goes to show that you can NEVER be *totally* prepared?!?!??! (But, boo-boos add a lil spice to life, right???) *BG*

SlvrSplsh & I eloped (legal marriage), but we felt our union incomplete without uniting/bonding in a religious/spiritual ceremony as well. On October 13, 2000, we were finally able to be Handfasted! Due to ongoing crises & graduate school work, I haven't gotten those pictures on the web yet....but keep a watch here for the link to our Handfasting pages when they're done!!!!! :>

Our elopement

preparation for the trip (or *attempted* preparation)

our arrival

our ceremony & vows

wedding pics!!!!!

dinner/dance cruise

home again, home again, jiggidy jog!

There you have it...the WHOLE story. We went from 'everything seems right' to 'mission impossible' to 'by george we did it anyway'!

And ya know, it was incredibly AWESOME--in *spite* of everything....or perhaps it was BECAUSE of everything???

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