Everybody thought we'd cancelled our plans to
marry....but it was right there on Splsh's link for the
world to see!!!!! I said on his page here that we'd elope
as soon as my divorce was final--which just goes to show
ya people don't read the fine print, eh??? *G* I told everybody the *wedding* had been cancelled--which it was.... |
....our October ceremony was cancelled because we simply cannot afford the cost nor the duress such an undertaking would cause for me (if you missed the 'fine print' on my main page, I *am* ill, even though I try hard not to focus on my illness nor let it interfere with our lives any more than it absolutely HAS to--this was one such occasion that it did, though, unfortunately). |
I never ONCE said we no longer planned to elope! *G* It really wasn't THAT hard to figure out....everyone knew Splsh & I had planned to go to the beach for a month--they just had no clue that we planned anything other than relaxation (an elopement is *far* from relaxation--tho it IS much easier than a huge or even a small wedding--IF you can find someone to perform the ceremony!) We didn't tell anyone what we were planning (except a few very close, trustworthy friends just before we left--I mean, what if something awful were to happen? SOMEBODY had to know where we'd gone just in case.) |
My divorce was set to be final Monday, July 13--we had known that for well over a month, but noone else knew--tho I announced on #30plus the day it was final. People never even made a connection between divorce-elopement. *G* It went through fine, and we went to the courthouse to apply for our license that very afternoon! :) |
As it turned out, everything seemed to fall into place great: my youngest daughter took off to stay with her sister for a few weeks on Sunday (the 12), and we took Splsh's mom to the airport so she could fly to Alaska to visit her great grandbaby Thursday (the 16). We had mom's house all to ourselves (housesitting)....which made it MUCH easier to pack for a weekend trip--and ELOPEMENT, as it were....or so I *thought*! |
I packed everything I thought we'd need to camp out & get married....everything except pillows which are kinda hard to put in a suitcase, a blanket (same reason)....and my wedding dress. I didn't pack *it* because I didn't want it all wrinkled up when it came time to wear it, so I told Splsh that, after everything was packed in the car, we'd HANG my dress up inside the car. Great plan, huh??? I packed my makeup, shoes, lingerie--even the hair dryer....EVERYTHING .... |
....except the *one* thing anybody might
actually SEE. We packed everything in the car--and forgot the damn wedding dress! It dawned on me as we were checking out sites (to have our ceremony) that evening that I had *NO* WEDDING GOWN!!!! |
I improvised (I had little choice!) The ONLY dress I HAD brought with me besides a solid black swim coverup was the one I intended to wear on our dinner/dance cruise after we got married--the dress you see here. It looks "beachy," but not "WEDDING-Y"--but it worked, I guess! |
I was extremely disappointed I'd forgotten my dress....Splsh requested I wear that particular dress. Of course, then he suggested I wear white to my funeral since I wore black to our wedding....the smartass! *G* |
That snaffu was bad enough, but later that night (after dark), we happened to realize we had no lantern, no flashlight, and *no camping gear*! It had been MUCH too long since either of us had camped out, apparently. Yeah, we survived....just not as easy or as comfy as we *could* have. Maybe next time we'll remember a few more things....prolly ones we don't need. *G* |
We still plan a religious ceremony, at some point...when our lives calm down & we find THE right place to have it outdoors. Right now, life's a little too full & crazy to try to plan a big outdoor wedding though. So...STAY TUNED! :) |
Back to the wedding page for more of the story! :)
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